The INCODING Case studies reports compile the findings of the empirical qualitative research of two companies (in two sectors) where artificial intelligence and algorithmic management are implemented. At European level, the fieldwork implied the analysis of positions, views, and discourses of relevant actors about the use of AI-based systems at work:

  • EU: Europen social partners’ approaches to artificial intelligence and algorithmic management. Ursula Holtgrewe & Leoni Dworsky. [+Read]
  • HU: Non-inclusive industrial relations system and algorithmic management in the labour process: two case studies of high vs. low employee participation working practices. Eva Farkas, Makó Csaba, József Pap & Illéssy Miklós. [+Read]
  • DK: Algorithmic management and employee involvement -A Company Perspective: the Danish country report. Trine P. Larsen, Anna Ilsoe & Christian Haldrup. [+Read]
  • DE: Co-determining Algorithmic Management and Artificial intelligence at work?: the role of collective bargaining in Germany. Philip Wostschack, Florian Butollo, Leon Hellberg & Jordi Ziour. [+Read]
  • ES: Artificial intelligence and algorithmic management at work: a case study approach on the role of industrial relations in Spain. Alejandro Godino, Sander Junte & Oscar Molina. [+Read]